Minggu, 28 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Sempurnakan Arah Kiblat dengan Benar

Mari Kita Akhiri Kontroversi Arah Kiblat

Masalah arah kiblat yang seolah bergeser akibat gempa perlu segera diluruskan. Karena hal
itu tidak berdasar logika ilmiah dan berpotensi meresahkan masyarakat. Pergeseran
lempeng bumi hanya berpengaruh pada perubahan peta bumi dalam rentang waktu
puluhan atau ratusan juta tahun, karenanya tidak akan berdampak signifikan pada
perubahan arah kiblat di luar Mekkah dalam rentang peradaban manusia saat ini. Jadi,
saat ini tidak ada pergeseran arah kiblat akibat pergeseran lempeng bumi atau
gempa. Semua pihak (terutama Kementerian Agama dan MUI) jangan terbawa pada
opini yang didasari pada informasi yang keliru.

0 Comment

Takdir Manusia

Ketika Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan  menggantikan  Khalifah  IV,
Ali ibn Abi Thalib (W. 620 H), ia menulis surat kepada salah
seorang sahabat Nabi, Al-Mughirah  ibn  Syu'bah  menanyakan,
"Apakah  doa  yang  dibaca  Nabi  setiap selesai shalat?" Ia
memperoleh jawaban bahwa doa beliau adalah,

"Tiada Tuhan selain  Allah,  tiada  sekutu  bagi-Nya.  Wahai
Allah tidak ada yang mampu menghalangi apa yang engkau beri,
tidak juga ada yang mampu memberi apa yang  Engkau  halangi,
tidak berguna upaya yang bersungguh-sungguh. Semua bersumber
dari-Mu (HR Bukhari).
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010 0 Comment

3ds Max Modeling: Bot, Mechs, dan Droids

 Max Modeling: Bots, Mechs, and Droids

832 pages | Jones & Bartlett Publishers | 22 Mei 2008 | PDF

3ds Max Modeling: Bot, Mechs, dan Droids menawarkan yang tak tertandingi, pembelajaran berbasis proyek strategi untuk siapa saja yang tertarik pada pemodelan dengan 3ds Max. Dari halaman pertama, pembaca akan menemukan cara menggunakan Max toolset untuk menciptakan model canggih, termasuk laba-laba bot, pemburu-pembunuh, pertempuran mekanisme, dan android. Pelajari cara menggunakan 3ds Max toolset tanpa bergantung pada pihak ketiga model. Mengawasi perkembangan model melalui layar menangkap ratusan, juga tersedia dalam warna penuh pada teman DVD.Mengambil keuntungan dari buku s belajar-as-you-go pendekatan untuk menciptakan berbagai model robot rumit dengan 3ds Max.
0 Comment

AIO 34in1 Hacking e-Books Re-Pack (2010)

 34in1 Hacking e-Books Re-Pack (2010)

AIO 34in1 Hacking e-Books Re-Pack (2010) | 136MB

This AIO have:
BlueTooth HackingEthical Hacking Google HacksHack and Crack
Hack Attacks Revealed
Hack Attacks Testing - How To Conduct Your Own Security Audit
Hack IT Security Through Penetration Testing
Hack Proofing Your Network - Internet Tradecraft
Hack Proofing Your Network Second Edition
Hack Proofing Your Web Server
Hack The Net
Hack Xbox 360
0 Comment

Script xSQL Executor v3.0.0.0 | 5,90 MB

xSQL Script Executor v3.0.0.0

Script xSQL Executor v3.0.0.0 | 5,90 MB

Script Pelaksana adalah kelas profesional database alat yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan beberapa Sql script pada satu atau lebih sasaran server dengan satu klik tombol. Pelaksana mendukung script SQL Server 2008/2005/2000 dan MySQL 5.0/5.1. Awalnya dirilis pada September 2007, Script Pelaksana telah melihat tingkat adopsi tertinggi di antara jajaran baik administrator database dan pengembang.

- Deploy beberapa script Sql pada beberapa server
- Menghasilkan siap untuk menyebarkan paket executable
- Mengatur target database dan skrip dalam proyek
- Lihat hasil dalam satu antarmuka terpadu
- Mengedit dan menjalankan skrip individu
- Dapatkan laporan penyebaran komprehensif
- Target SQL Server dan database MySQL dalam satu proyek
0 Comment

Mp3 Search Engine Script

Mp3 Search Engine Script
Mp3 Search Engine Script | 5,4 MB

- Mp3 Search Engine Script adalah mesin pencari yang super sederhana, menyediakan akses sampai dengan 1000's of free Mp3's.
- The preview adalah kilat cepat! Pengguna previews, tarif dan download, semuanya dari situs Mp3 Anda sendiri.
- Script ini sangat pintar itu auto-update sendiri langsung dengan konten segar berkilauan.
- Tidak perlu untuk hosting besar, semua file yang remote host, dan script SANGAT kecil dalam ukuran!

Anda bahkan dapat membuat uang dari terintegrasi dengan Amazon dan Thumbplay program afiliasi dll bahwa pengguna anda klik pada, menimpakan kepada Anda kecil, tapi tidak signifikan pendapatan.
0 Comment

Zshare Filehosting Clone Script

 Filehosting Clone Script

Zshare Filehosting Clone Script
Php script | 2009 | 10 MB

Dengan skrip ini anda dapat meng-upload file sebagai zshare.net, gambar, video, audio dan flash secara gratis. Cukup gunakan formulir pemuatan di bawah ini dan mulai berbagi! Anda juga dapat menggunakan zSHARE sebagai penyimpanan file pribadi Anda: backup data Anda dan melindungi file Anda.

oleh Agroni112
Terima kasih!

0 Comment

Harga Komoditi Peternakan

 Nama Komoditi  Harga Jual  Daerah  Kontributor  Tanggal Update

 daun pisang batu
 Rp 1000,- / /lepit isi 4 helai  jakarta  aldo pangestu  Mar 28, 2010

 daun katuk segar
 Rp 7500,- / kg  jakarta  aldo pangestu  Mar 28, 2010

 Ikan Betutu
 120,- / Kg  Jakarta  Rizky Crabber  Mar 28, 2010

 sahang putih
 Rp. 80000,- / kg  pontianak  bambang  Mar 27, 2010

 ,-      Mar 27, 2010

 tengkawang salai
 Rp. 8000,- / kg  pontianak  bambang  Mar 27, 2010

 gula merah
 Rp.8000,-,- / kg  pontianak  bambang  Mar 27, 2010

 bekatul/dedek,gula tetes murni,beras menir
 mengikuti pasar,-,-  jawa timur   sutan/ud transchoholic  Mar 27, 2010

 bekatul/dedek,gula tetes murni,beras menir
 mengikuti pasar,-  jawa timur  sutan/ud transchoholic  Mar 27, 2010

 jahe merah
 ,-      Mar 27, 2010

 lidah sapi lokal
 45.000,- / kg  bandung  makmur food  Mar 27, 2010

 320RB,- / KG  KAB. GARUT  ANTONI, A.MD.  Mar 27, 2010

 Pupuk Kandang Sapi
 250,- / kg  Pandeglang  Herry - Agro Putra Makmur  Mar 27, 2010

 Rp 30000,- / 210 kapsul  jogja  as-syifa  Mar 27, 2010

 Sari Kurma Al-Jazira
 Rp 16000,- / 360 gram  jogja  as-syifa  Mar 27, 2010

 madu hutan
 Rp 40000,- / kg  Jogja  as-syifa  Mar 27, 2010

 madu hutan
 Rp 40000,- / kg  jogja  as-syifa  Mar 27, 2010

 11.000,- / kg  Jawa Timur  Tri Mulyo Nur Asyari  Mar 27, 2010

 11.000,- / kg  Jawa Timur  Tri Mulyo  Mar 27, 2010

 Jahe gajah
 8.000,- / kg  Jawa Timur  Tri Mulyo Nur Asyari  Mar 27, 2010

 ayam fillet
 Rp. 33.000,- / Kg  depok  RPA terus maju  Mar 26, 2010

 ayam pejantan
 15.500,- / 0,5kg  bandung  java meat co  Mar 26, 2010
0 Comment

BUDIDAYA IKAN PATIN ( Pangasius pangasius )

Ikan patin merupakan jenis  ikan konsumsi air tawar,  berbadan panjang
berwarna putih perak dengan punggung berwarna kebiru-biruan. Ikan patin
dikenal sebagai komoditi yang berprospek cerah, karena memiliki harga jual
yang tinggi. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan ikan patin mendapat perhatian dan
diminati oleh para pengusaha untuk membudidayakannya. Ikan ini cukup
responsif terhadap pemberian makanan tambahan. Pada pembudidayaan,
dalam usia enam bulan ikan patin bisa mencapai panjang 35-40 cm. Sebagai
keluarga Pangasidae, ikan ini tidak membutuhkan perairan yang mengalir untuk
“membongsorkan“ tubuhnya. Pada perairan yang tidak mengalir dengan
kandungan oksigen rendahpun sudah memenuhi syarat untuk membesarkan
ikan ini.
0 Comment

Jual Beli Produk Peternakan

 Jual tepung bulu ayam dan tepung daging ayam [Jual] 

Jual tepung dari bulu ayam cocok untuk pakan ternak.
Jual bulu ayam basah dan kering.
Jual tepung dari daging ayam cocok untuk pakan lele atau ternak dan
bahan baku pembuatan pakan ternak.
Kami siap supply dalam kapasitas besar.
Untuk pemesanan hub : 08159100059 

 potong ayam / Mar 27, 2010 22:48:37
 Menerima Pesanan Hamster umur 3 minggu [Jual] 

kami menjual hamster umur 3 minggu,
jenisnya syrian dan campbell
kemampuan supplai kurang lebih 200 ekor/minggu..
harga Rp. 4000/ekor

bila ada yang berminat hubungi
lokasi berada di Kota Bandung
untuk saat ini hanya melayani wilayah jawa barat saja..

 Raden Wanda / Jawa Barat Mar 27, 2010 20:56:39

0 Comment

Menjalin Cinta Abadi Dalam Rumah Tangga

Setiap orang yang telah berkeluarga, tentu menginginkan kebaikan dan kebahagiaan dalam kehidupannya bersama istri dan anak-anaknya. Hal ini sebagai perwujudan rasa cintanya kepada mereka, yang kecintaan ini merupakan fitrah yang Allah tetapkan pada jiwa setiap manusia. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

{زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ الشَّهَوَاتِ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ وَالْبَنِينَ وَالْقَنَاطِيرِ الْمُقَنْطَرَةِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَالْفِضَّةِ وَالْخَيْلِ الْمُسَوَّمَةِ وَالْأَنْعَامِ وَالْحَرْثِ ذَلِكَ مَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَاللَّهُ عِنْدَهُ حُسْنُ الْمَآبِ}
Dijadikan indah pada (pandangan) manusia kecintaan kepada apa-apa yang diingini, yaitu: wanita-wanita, anak-anak, harta yang banyak dari jenis emas, perak, kuda pilihan, binatang-binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah kesenangan hidup di dunia; dan di sisi Allah-lah tempat kembali yang baik (surga)” (QS Ali ‘Imran:14).
Bersamaan dengan itu, nikmat keberadaan istri dan anak ini sekaligus juga merupakan ujian yang bisa menjerumuskan seorang hamba dalam kebinasaan. Allah mengingatkan hal ini dalam firman-Nya.

0 Comment

Obat Penenang Jiwa

Segala puji untuk Allah, Yang telah menurunkan al-Qur’an sebagai petunjuk dan obat bagi hamba-hamba yang beriman. Salawat dan salam semoga tercurahkan kepada Imam orang-orang yang bertakwa, yang telah menguraikan ayat-ayat-Nya kepada segenap umatnya. Amma ba’du.
Saudaraku, sudah menjadi tabiat manusia bahwa mereka menyukai sesuatu yang bisa menyenangkan hati dan menentramkan jiwa mereka. Oleh sebab itu, banyak orang rela mengorbankan waktunya, memeras otaknya, dan menguras tenaganya, atau bahkan kalau perlu mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak kecil jumlahnya demi meraih apa yang disebut sebagai kepuasan dan ketenangan jiwa. Namun, ada sebuah fenomena memprihatinkan yang sulit sekali dilepaskan dari upaya ini. Seringkali kita jumpai manusia memakai cara-cara yang dibenci oleh Allah demi mencapai keinginan mereka.
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010 0 Comment

200 Hacked Premium Account Banyak Situs (RS, MU, HF ... dll)

Hacked Premium Account Banyak Situs (RS, MU, HF ... dll)

[b] Hei teman-teman itu adalah kumpulan dari 200 hack account premium, termasuk semua file hosting situs-situs seperti hotfile, depositefiles, rapidshare, megaupload, ziddu dll
mereka semua bekerja sangat men-download secepat Anda dapat

Download sebelum mereka berakhir ....

0 Comment

4001 Business, Sales & Personal Letters

4,001 Business, Sales & Personal Letters
4001 Business, Sales & Personal Letters
Ini kumpulan surat komprehensif membantu Anda meningkatkan penjualan dengan memperbaiki hubungan, membujuk pelanggan, dan menutup penjualan secara profesional. Tidak perlu mulai dari nol. Anda akan menghemat waktu, menghilangkan stres, dan menjual lebih banyak! Apakah Anda sedang menulis surat penjualan, iklan, atau berjuang untuk menemukan kata yang tepat untuk situs Web Anda, 4.001 Bisnis, Sales & Surat Pribadi bisnis Anda akan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif.
nsert surat ke Microsoft ® Word: WriteExpress 4.001 Bisnis, Sales &Surat pribadi bekerja dengan Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, 95, Me, NT dan pengolah kata dan dapat dijalankan dari menu Add-in Microsoft Word 2007 dan Tools Menu Word 2003, 2002, 2000, 97, dan Word 7.0. Versi Macintosh dapat digunakan dengan Firman melalui clipboard. Jika Anda memiliki pengolah kata yang berbeda, Anda masih dapat menjalankan program dan menggunakan Windows clipboard untuk menyalin dan menempelkan teks ke dokumen Anda.
0 Comment

Individu Software Deluxe ResumeMaker Profesional V16.0 | 170MB

Individual Software ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe V16.0

Individu Software Deluxe ResumeMaker Profesional V16.0 | 170MB

Lahan pekerjaan yang baru dan cara tercepat dengan ResumeMaker ®. Alat yang sangat berguna membantu Anda menulis resume profesional dengan cepat sehingga Anda dapat lahan pekerjaan baru cepat! Memungkinkan perangkat pencarian "1-Klik" pencarian kerja kepada jutaan pekerjaan AS dan internasional, termasuk kericau Job Search. Teknologi maju memungkinkan Anda untuk jaringan dari ResumeMaker ke LinkedIn, Facebook, dan Twitter. Bahkan mempublikasikan resume Anda pada situs web Anda sendiri, gratis!ResumeMaker ® memiliki pekerjaan baru teknologi pencarian canggih untuk membantu Anda menemukan pekerjaan baru cepat!

Profesional Resume membangun Cepat
Hanya "satu klik" dan format secara otomatis Anda ResumeMaker pilihan font, warna, dan margin-dengan pencocokan halaman kedua header. Langkah-demi-langkah panduan membantu Anda dengan kata kunci untuk menyorot keahlian Anda, tindakan-manfaat frasa untuk menunjukkan keberhasilan karir Anda, dan banyak lagi!
0 Comment

Wondershare PDF to PowerPoint v2.0.0

Wondershare PDF to PowerPoint v2.0.0

Wondershare PDF to PowerPoint v2.0.0

PDF to PowerPoint mengkonversi file dengan hanya satu klik. Program akan menyimpan pengaturan asli bagian, teks, gambar dan hyperlink di PPT-berkas tertulis. Batch konversi dan cepat pemrosesan file menghemat waktu Anda. Anda dapat mengkonversi file PDF ke PowerPoint 2010, 2007 atau 2003. Cukup mengimpor file PDF, klik tombol Konversikan dan program itu sendiri akan melakukan segala sesuatu yang diperlukan.
0 Comment

Keylogger iSafe AllInOne Professional Edition v3.0.2

iSafe AllInOne Keylogger Professional Edition v3.0.2

Keylogger iSafe AllInOne Professional Edition v3.0.2

Keylogger iSafe AllInOne memungkinkan Anda memantau semua aktivitas dan pembicaraan, melihat screenshot, dan situs mereka berselancar, para keystrokes, clipboard mereka disalin dan disisipkan. Dengan mengaktifkan iSafe Komputer Watch, Anda dapat memantau segala sesuatu termasuk memblokir situs yang tidak diinginkan / program. Key Logger memungkinkan Anda untuk mendaftarkan semua keystrokes diketik, termasuk bahasa-karakter tertentu, bicara dan pesan percakapan, password, e-mail, clipboard, ditangkap screenshot, desktop, dan aktivitas internet. Keylogger & iSafe AllInOneAlat pemantau internet memungkinkan Anda untuk merekam dan mengendalikan segala sesuatu yang terjadi di komputer Anda dan mengirimkannya ke alamat email Anda - termasuk screenshot. Otomatis mengawasi setiap obrolan, memonitor setiap situs dan kontrol semuanya dengan mudah. Tidak ada alat monitor PC lain memberikan anda keamanan mengetahui Anda akan mampu mengumpulkan setiap screenshot dan setiap keystroke hanya dengan mengklik sebuah tombol. Setiap keystroke dari populer chat, online email dan situs sosial dicatat. Termasuk Myspace, Facebook, Hotmail, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, AIM dan program lainnya.
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Membuat Foto menjadi seperti kartun (Tutorial)

Mau Bikin Foto seperti kartun?
ga usah basa basi, ini tutornye (sorry ga gw translate)


Step 1: Preparing the Canvas

1. Open the original photo in Adobe Photoshop. (In this tutorial I use Adobe Photoshop CS. I haven’t got other versions of Adobe Photoshop, but I guess the entire steps described in this tutorial can be applied on any version of Photoshop)
On choosing the photo to be cartoonized, choose a clear and sharp photo with the face of the person clearly seen. Blur, out of focus, or under-exposed photo is a bad choice. The larger the resolution of the photo is the better

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Live Score All Soccer League

0 Comment

Mumbuat menu pada blogger

Setelah melihat gambar disamping, tentunya kamu mengerti apa yang harus kamutambahkan pada blog kamu.--costumized menu.
Langkah-langkahnya mudah dan kamu bisa utak-atik sepenuhnya,tapi ingat: yang ini telah di copyrightkan oleh STYLED MENUS
Langkahnya: Masuk ke Blogger: trus ke "Layout" and "Add a Gadget" of HTML/JavaScript type.
Pada Content masukkan kode berikut:
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010 0 Comment




0 Comment

PHP Architect # 2

PHP Architect #2 (February 2010)PHP Arsitek # 2 (Februari 2010)
Inggris | 56 pages | pdf | 6,11 Mb

The Magazine untuk PHP Professionals.
Sebuah majalah cetak didedikasikan secara eksklusif untuk dunia PHP. Setiap isu berisi artikel yang mencakup topik dari dasar-dasar untuk topik-topik lanjutan seperti PHP internal sebagai protokol internet, semua yang mudah dibaca, percakapan dan akurat namun nada profesional.

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010 0 Comment

System Mechanic Standar

System Mechanic Standard
System Mechanic ® menjaga PC Anda berjalan lebih cepat, bersih dan bebas dari kesalahan. Gudang yang kuat 40 + memenangkan penghargaan alat presisi perbaikan kesalahan keras kepala, membersihkan keluar kekacauan, mengoptimalkan internet dan kecepatan download, menjamin keamanan pribadi dan mempertahankan kinerja komputer maksimum secara otomatis.
Lebih dari 98% dari masalah PC yang disebabkan oleh kekacauan dan pengaturan yang rusak akibat dari penggunaan PC sehari-hari. System Mechanic otomatis perbaikan kesalahan dan fragmentasi, membersihkan keluar kekacauan, dan lagu-lagu PC Anda - sehingga itu berjalan lancar, handal, dan sampai 300% lebih cepat!Jangan buang-buang uang mahal "ahli" untuk memperbaiki PC Anda ketika System Mechanic akan memperbaiki, lagu, dan memelihara untuk anda! Nikmati bahwa perasaan PC baru lagi. Jelas keluar kekacauan dan kesalahan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan kehandalan. Optimalkan PC anda untuk bermain terbaru permainan performa tinggi pada kecepatan maksimum. Mempercepat
0 Comment

Platinum Hide IP

Platinum Hide IP Platinum Hide IP untuk menjaga alamat IP yang nyata tersembunyi, surfing anonim, aman semua protokol pada PC anda, menyediakan enkripsi penuh aktivitas Anda saat bekerja di Internet, dan banyak lagi.
Dengan Hide IP Platinum, Anda bisa berselancar secara anonim, tanpa nama mengirimkan email melalui sistem email berbasis web, memblokir akses situs atau forum, melindungi Anda dari setiap situs web yang ingin memantau minat membaca dan memata-matai Anda melalui alamat IP yang unik, dll identitas Anda aman, dilindungi, dan anonim.

0 Comment

Will Google Take Over You Tube?

Will Google Take Over Your Tube?
Google may be perched above your TV soon, according to a recent report. Word is, the search behemoth is teaming with Sony, Logitech and Intel to create a TV set-top box platform based on its Android operating system and designed to meld traditional TV with Internet content. Meanwhile, the FCC showed off its big plans, Microsoft bared a little more WinPho7, and Apple revealed a new way to deal with old batteries.

0 Comment

Technewsworl.com : Dev Hacks Emulator to Pick WinPho7's Brain

Dev Hacks Emulator to Pick WinPho7's Brain
By Richard Adhikari
03/19/10 12:09 PM PT
Dan Ardelean, a Windows Mobile developer, has unlocked the restricted emulator Microsoft showed to devs at its MIX10 conference recently, allowing him to view bits of the mobile OS Microsoft may not want the public to see yet. Ardelean says his motive was curiosity -- he wanted to see why Windows Mobile phones won't be upgradeable to Windows Phone 7 Series.

Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) Windows Phone 7 Series emulator has been cracked.

Microsoft unveiled a locked-down WinPho7 emulator at MIX10 recently.
Windows Mobile Developer Dan Ardelean, who works out of Italy, announced Friday that he had hacked into the emulator, which allows users to run the WinPho7 platform on a full-sized computer.
Microsoft had unveiled the emulator and other products, including Internet Explorer 9, this week at MIX10, Redmond's conference for Web designers and developers.
Ardelean has taken down the link to his exploit. "I passed from being excited that I was
Rabu, 17 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Fethi Benslama, Psikoanalisis dan Tantangan Islam

Fethi Benslama, 
Psychoanalysis and the Challenge of Islam

Fethi Benslama, Psikoanalisis dan Tantangan Islam
University of Minnesota Press | 2009 | ISBN 0816648891 | 272 Pages | PDF OCR | 6,9 MB

Fethi Benslama adalah seorang psikoanalis yang, walaupun pemikir sekuler, mengidentifikasi dirinya sebagai orang Muslim budaya yang menolak siap pakai penjelasan fundamentalisme Islam. Dalam semangat itu, Benslama demythifies Barat baik Islam dan ide-ide dari agama dengan mengatasi akar penyebab psikoanalitik dari dunia Islam bertentangan dengan modernitas dan fundamentalisme giliran berikutnya.
0 Comment

Calligraphy Art Vector - Islam

Calligraphy Art Vector - Islam
Calligraphy Art Vector - Islam
1 AI 1 EPS | 7 MB | rar

0 Comment

Great World Religions: Islam - The Teaching Company

Great World Religions: Islam - The Teaching Company (The Great 

Great World Religions: Islam - The Teaching Company (The Great Courses)
The Teaching Company | ISBN: 1565856465 | MP3 | 76 Mb

Tentu saja Islam Lecture Judul Kemarin, Hari Ini, dan Esok Lima Rukun Islam dan MuhammadProphet Statesman Quran Wordthe Allah Worldview CommunityFaith Muslim dan Jalan Menuju GodIslamic Politik Hukum dan Mistisisme dan Reformasi RevivalismRenewal Islam Kontemporer Islam Kebangkitan Islam di Crossroads Perempuan dan Perubahan dalam Islam Islam di Barat Masa Depan Islam
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Linear Algebra For Dummies

Linear Algebra For Dummies
Linear Algebra For Dummies
For Dummies | English | 2009-07-07 | ISBN: 0470430907 | 384 pages | PDF | 11,5 MB

Does linear algebra leave you feeling lost? No worries —this easy-to-follow guide explains the how and the why of solving linear algebra problems in plain English. From matrices to vector spaces to linear transformations, you'll understand the key concepts and see how they relate to everything from genetics to nutrition to spotted owl extinction.

0 Comment

Laptops Service Repair Owner Manuals

Laptops Service Repair Owner Manuals

Laptops Service Repair Owner Manuals
2010 | Collection | Eng | PDF | 441 Mb

Here is a collection of manuals for laptops. List of models is too large for this it totally, but certainly if these laptops repair manual will be of much use, not something you risk not having broken the overall designs.

Below is a list of manufacturers:
(so are the archives, each producer separately)

0 Comment

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 For Dummies

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 For Dummies
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 For Dummies
Publisher: For Dummies | 2008 | English | ISBN-10: 0470343257 | PDF | 408 pages | 5 Mb

Customer relationship management, or CRM, is certainly a hot topic in business today. If you have a small or medium-sized business, chances are you’re already aware of all it can do for you. But with so many options and so much to think about, how do you get a CRM system in place with a minimum of hassle? Well, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 For Dummies is a great place to start!

Written by veteran CRM experts Joel Scott and David Lee, this friendly guide will have you understanding and using Microsoft’s CRM solution in a jiffy. Whether you’re considering a CRM system for the first time or you’ve decided to switch from another system to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, this book will make it easy to:

0 Comment

Dear John (2010)

Dear John (2010) Cam

Dear John (2010) Cam | 700Mb

A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he’s home on leave.

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Senin, 08 Maret 2010 0 Comment

The Betrayal (2008) DVDRip

The Betrayal (2008) DVDRip

The Betrayal (2008) DVDRip | 800Mb

The epic story of a family forced to emigrate from Laos after the chaos of the secret air war waged by the U.S. during the Vietnam War. Kuras has spent the last 23 years chronicling the family’s extraordinary journey in this deeply personal, poetic, and emotional film.[/center]

Audio Language: English
Subtitles: English hardsubbed
IMDB Rating: 8.1/10

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Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Ashampoo Home Designer 1.0.0

Home Designer 1.0.0

Ashampoo Home Designer 1.0.0 | 170 Mb

Ashampoo Home Designer - is a professional tool 3D-designed homes for all. The program allows you to experiment as much as he wants! Ability to view the layout of rooms inside and out from anywhere helps avoid costly mistakes - a review allows you to see the room, as if being in it - and this is not the same thing to look at the pencil sketches on paper.

Look at your future home in 3D before you spend money on expensive services and materials.
If you have ever been a guest of the professional designer and home interior, you've probably been impressed by the expensive 3D-planning software, which they use to illustrate your ideas. Now you can use such software themselves and themselves to plan your house in 3D, instead of hiring a designer.

How it works
Using Ashampoo Home Designer could not be easier - this is the same as that arranged the furniture in the doll house and move there. You simply choose the size of the room, on the design of which want to work, and then go drag those objects that you want. For example, the bathroom you choose its size and add doors, windows, bath, sink, etc. You can even put in a room 3D people to get a better idea.
Change, move, rotate, and view all the items planned room with one click. Use of materials as simple: if you want a new granite floor in the bathroom, you simply choose the type of granite that you prefer and drag it to the floor. All. Gray granite does not look very much? Change it to the red tile with just one click!
Change the viewpoint to look at the new room from the inside, outside, above or even below!
Rotate and tilt the whole room with the mouse, change, and bring near-term view of a couple of clicks to look at everything from every possible point.
Size and scale are important, and they are just as simple: you simply activate the means of measuring the dimensions and highlights from point to point area in 3D, to gain the necessary plans for your measurements.
You can also import your own pictures and set them as background to better understand how it will look for your new home.

Share 3D-objects with tools Ashampoo 3D CAD
File format Ashampoo Home Designer 3D is fully compatible with the professional series of products Ashampoo 3D CAD. This means that you can export plans from the Home Designer with 3D CAD, as well as to import objects created with any of the four products 3D CAD, in the Home Designer and add them to the object database for use in their projects.

Once a plan it, you want to translate your plans into reality, and Ashampoo Home Designer will help you in this with many powerful options.

You can create lists of all objects and materials that you need, and convert them to files of PDF, RTF, XML, HTML, or Excel, to simplify the procurement and costing.

You can create bitmaps plans with several different angles simultaneously, including the horizontal plane. In addition to the fact that you have before your eyes is an illustrative diagram, these images will be invaluable in communicating with the workers and explain what you want.

Finally, in case you are so pleased to work with Ashampoo Home Designer, which you yourself have decided to become an interior designer, the program includes a customer database with which you can manage your orders and to create proposals and responses.

. Extremely easy to use: just drag and drop furniture, doors, windows, etc. at the right place - all in 3D
. Extensive database of building components, furniture, materials - all very realistic
. View in 3D inside, outside, above or below - the full effect of the presence
. Turn and tilt the entire space with your mouse
. Smoothly come near view, look at the work done from afar
. Import your own photos to use them as background images
. Export your plans as 3D-objects
. Import 3D objects from a series of products Ashampoo 3D CAD
. Export and save your plans as vector images with multiple-choice survey
. Keep a list of components and materials as the files are PDF, RTF or XML
. The client database for users who want to work with other people

Activation: there
Language: English | English
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
File Size: 172.76 Mb (added 5% recovery)

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Lavasoft AdAware Anniversary Edition Pro 2009 8.0.2

Lavasoft AdAware Anniversary Edition Pro 2009 8.0.2
Lavasoft AdAware Anniversary Edition Pro 2009 8.0.2

Building on 10 years of advanced malware experience, Ad-Aware Pro %u2013 Anniversary Edition offers radically improved performance and efficiency, along with comprehensive threat protection and sophisticated features with minimal strain on system resources.

Shop, bank, and make travel arrangements online
Ad-Aware actively shields you from the latest cyber threats, including virus, spyware, password stealers, keyloggers, trojans, dialers, and other potential identity thieves.

Stay safe on social networking sites
Ad-Aware keeps your passwords and personal information safe to make sure you can socialize freely, without having to worry about dangerous intrusions and prying eyes.

Download photos, music, and other files with confidence
Ad-Aware%u2019s behavior-based detection finds suspicious files and threats before they integrate into your PC and attack your personal information.

Control your privacy
Erase tracks left behind while surfing the Web, on browsers such as Internet Explorer, Opera, and Firefox, in one easy click.

Safeguard your secure documents
Ad-Aware actively shields you and your business from deceptive applications and cyber attacks.

Enhance computer performance
Conserve resources and reduce downtime by using automated scans to identify and remove malicious applications that eat up memory.

Get Peace of Mind
Ad-Aware cleans and restores your system after an attack to keep your PC running as new.

Features :

Comprehensive Protection for Advanced Users

Powerful protection against viruses, spyware, trojans, worms, malware, rootkits, dialers, and much more - in one seamless application.

# Behavior-Based Heuristical Detection
# NEW!Ad-Watch Live! Expert - Integrated real-time protection
# NEW!Radically improved resource efficiency - 74% improvement
# Rootkit Removal System
# NEW!Customizable Profile Scans
# NEW!External Drive Scanning
# Network Drive Scanning
# NEW!Pin-Point Scanning
# NEW!Toolbox - Including Process Watch, AutoStart Manager, Hosts File Editor, and ThreatWork
# Detection, Removal AND Clean-up
# Full Integration with Windows Security Center
# Automatic Pulse Updates & FREE Technical Support

Tech Specs :

Intel Pentium 600 MHz or better
Operating system + minimum 100 MB
Free hard disk space
100 MB recommended
Operating Systems
Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit), Windows XP (32-bit), Windows 2000 Pro

Download: 12 MB
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Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition
Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition | 891MB

The Visual Studio Express Editions are an expansion of the Visual Studio and SQL Server product line to include fun, simple and easy-to-learn tools for non-professional developers like hobbyists, students and novice developers who want to build dynamic Windows applications, Web sites, and Web services.
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Winrar 3.92 32bit and 64bit Fully Patched

Winrar 3.92 32bit and 64bit Fully Patched

Winrar 3.92 32bit and 64bit Fully Patched

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager (Win32, Linux, Mac). RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well.

Features of WinRAR:

* Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
* WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
* WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
* WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
* WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
* WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
* WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
* Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
* WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

What's new in Version 3.92:1. If you start WinRAR command from Explorer context menu in multiple monitor configuration, the command dialog will be displayed on the same monitor as context menu. In previous versions it was always displayed on primary monitor.

2. WinRAR "Compress and email..." context menu command adds the archive name to email subject. Previous versions left the subject blank.

3. In RAR 3.91 -x switch could also exclude folders from archiving even if mask contained wilcard characters and did not contain a path.For example, -x*. excluded all those folders, which do not have the extension in the name. Now -x switch uses RAR 3.80 approach for masks without path, excluding folders only if mask does not contain wildcards and matches the folder name exactly.

4. Bugs fixed:

* WinRAR 3.91 reported the incorrect "Unexpected end of archive" error, when opening an empty ZIP archive created with "New WinRAR ZIP archive" context menu command;
* if "Delete archive" option was enabled when unpacking several ZIP archives and if one of archives was damaged, WinRAR did not delete archives after the damaged one, even if they were unpacked successfully;
* if file matched two different masks in RarFiles.lst, WinRAR could select the last match. Normally, if neither of masks is a subset of another, the first match must be chosen.

0 Comment

Window 7 Highly 9mb compressed By Aman

Window 7 Highly 9mb compressed By Aman

New Window 7 2010 Highly Compressed in 9mb

It isonly in 10 Mb after extracting it should be 3.9Gb.
It's Working 100%
KGB archiver

Minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7Processor : 1 GHz
Memory (RAM) : 1 GB
HDD free space : 16 GB of available disk space
Optical drive : DVD drive (only to install from DVD/CD Media)

* Note:
* Just download
* extract
* burn into DVD and enjoy!

Download:- 12mb
0 Comment

Focus Photoeditor 6.1.5 Portable

Focus Photoeditor 6.1.5 Portable
Focus Photoeditor 6.1.5 Portable l 13.69 MB

Focus Photoeditor is a powerful image and photo editor, picture retouching tool, web album creator, image browser and Photoshop Filters Host Application for Windows. Besides its excellent ability to correct digital photos, it has many rich tools and effects found in much more expensive professional tools. And there are also many tools you can hardly find elsewhere, such as Quick Fix Wizard, Effective and Intelligent Automatic Corrections, Smart Color Replacement and extras like a web-album builder, a batch processor and support for photoshop plugins.
Expand your Creativity, improve your digital photos, create artwork, produce pictures for the web, print your own Cd and MusicCassette covers, prepare logos, paint with the mouse and create professional looking graphics. Focus is the easy-to-use image editor for anyone. Focus Photoeditor is a feature rich graphics and photo editing solution for Painting and Retouching as well as Image Processing.

It offers customizable brushes, more than 30 Filters/Effects/Deformations, gradients patterns, painting, magic wand and many other standard and advanced features. Focus Photoeditor also supports layers and offers a light studio to apply effects like Elliptic Hotspot, Supernova and others.

* Loads fast, letting you immediately start to edit your pictures.
* Program does not eat up memory, it just uses the right amount necessary for working: memory consumption does not grow with number of layers or the number of pictures opened in the editor.
* Supports over 70 digital camera RAW formats.
* Has a very comprehensive and professional set of features.
* Has the best set of Automatic Photo Corrections available on the market.
* High quality photo correction algorithms, which are also finely tuned. An example is the new Unsharp Mask filter.
* Has a very easy to use Batch Processor with undo capabilities.
* Supports powerful ways of creating Selections and has separate undo history for them.
* Features great control over precise editing (exact positioning of layers, precise cropping, printing in exact size and position etc..)
* Many options to save and export files (optimized size and preview for all formats)
* Very comfortable picture browser: lets you rotate, make backup copies, copy&paste, print picture files in a sheet.

• Enhance Photos
- Focus Photoeditor has an impressive arsenal of tools for editing and correcting digital images: Quick Fix Wizard, Exposure Compensation, Fill-Back Light, Smart Flash-Reduce Hilights, Midtones Compression, Adjust levels, Gamma, RGB curves, Hue / Saturation, Brightness / Contrast, Shadows / Highlights, Histogram stretch and much more...
- When coming to automatic corrections our software is an excellent choice as well: try its Quick Fix, Auto Contrast, Auto Stretch, Auto Colors, Auto White Balance, Smart Flash, Reduce Hilights and many others.
- Focus Photoeditor 5 can read and correctly render pictures with Adobe RGB or any other embedded color profile.
- In v. 5 a special attention and accurate tuning was put in every algorithm. With all its correction tools Focus Photoeditor will make your pictures look incredibly clean, sharp and perfectly balanced.

• Retouch
In Focus Photoeditor any editing tool can be used with color mode or with retouch mode. This gives you great flexibility in choosing the right tool for retouching different parts of a picture.
* Very practical and easy to use is the Anti-RedEye. You can get rid of this annoying problem very quickly: just select the eye color and choose the tool to use (for example a round brush or an ellipse..) to achieve a perfect result.
* The clone tool will let you remove unwanted details or duplicate existing ones.
* Also it's possible to lighten or darken details, Improve sharpness, Increase saturation using any of the editing tools provided.

• Paint and Draw
Focus Photoeditor is an excellent painting and editing program. You can paint, draw lines, polygons, ellipses and apply color, textures, gradients and objects.
* Customizable brushes let you create any work of art.
* With Cloning you can turn your photos into paintings, by copying part of one picture onto another, using your preferred color.
* Edit precisely using grids and guides.

• Compose with Layers
Focus Photoeditor as every advanced image editor supports layers. Layers are very useful for:
* Experimenting photo correction without modifying the original picture.
* Creating photo collages of several images one on top of another.
* Adding Text with shadows and 3d look.
* Create nice transparent blend effects between pictures.
The advantages of using our program for layers are clear when you don't have a lot of ram to waste. Infact FP's layers engine is designed to use the least amount of ram as possible.

What's New in version 6.1:
* Redesigned Batch Scripting interface for a more flexible selection of batch actions to apply.
* We plan to add Manual Corrections, Filters and Transformations to batch processing as well
* Faster Handling of large layers
* More Gradient Types
* More Correction and Filters Options
* More Deformations and Transformations

Changes in Focus Photoeditor 6.1.2:
- A few bug fixes
- Minor improvements
- Now the alpha channel editor adopts the same gradient system as the rest of the program
- Although the program is not in beta status anymore, still if you find any issue please report it using our support page

Homepage - http://www.focusphotoeditor.com

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010 0 Comment

Daftar Direktori & Auto Submit Direktori

 Judul: Daftar Direktori & Auto Submit Direktori
Bahasa: Indonesia
Penulis: Luki Tantra
Jumlah halaman: 7
Format ebook: PDF
Harga: Rp. 0,-
Perekomendasi: Admin
Gambar Ebook Daftar Direktori & Auto Submit Direktori
Di dalamnya berisi daftar alamat Direktori website, baik yang auto submit maupun manual, dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.
Ebook ini menjadi sangat penting terutama bagi para webmaster yang ingin websitenya cepat terbaca oleh search engine (mesin pencarian), & mendapatkan posisi yang bagus di mesin pencarian. merupakan salah satu metoda SEO (Search Engine Optimization) yang banyak dipergunakan.
Download ebooknya dengan mengklik tombol di bawah
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